Geopolitics and Technopolitics


  • To Matthew, geopolitics represent the way in which nations rise and fall. Matthew is an industry expert in tracking geopolitical trends and organizational development in order to best serve the American people. Now, as co-founder of Griffin Enterprises, Matthew combines his drive to serve the American people with his strategic knowledge of topics ranging from global manufacturing capacities to population demographic trends.

  • Grant recognizes technology as a landscape of human growth in which change is the only constant, and where the pace of the change is currently accelerating. Grant is an industry expert in the field of emerging technologies and their application. As a co-founder of Griffin Enterprises, he provides critical insight and technical specialization to the company’s production capabilities.

  • For both Matthew and Grant, fabrication represents the union of geopolitics and technology. In an ever changing landscape of manufacturing powerhouses, Matthew knows that bringing high-end fabrication facilities back to the U.S. is how America can maintain its economic dominance in an era of decline. While other tech companies fail, Grant knows that fabrication re-centers the technological objectives away from the theoretical and into real-world production.

    Fabrication is about geopolitical supremacy and technological advancement, which is why at Griffin Enterprises we are committed to developing additive manufacturing fabrication to stabilize supply chains, create new jobs, and develop American manufacturing into the 21st century.

Areas of Expertise